In the 1970s and 80s, P&LA proposed to several United Nations agencies the idea of issuing annual reports on major development issues.
This idea became the ‘State of the World’ series of reports, each published in several languages and accompanied by a press kit. The series included:
The State of the World Environment
First published in 1974 for the United Nations Environment Programme, the State of the World Environment report was published until the 1990s..
The State of World Population
Launched in 1976 for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities in New York, The State of World Population has also been published annually for the last 40 years.
The State of the World’s Children
Researched, written and produced for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the annual State of the World’s Children report and its supporting activities was the principal undertaking of the P&LA partnership for the 16 years 1980-1996.